Cookie Policy

A ‘cookie’ is a small file containing data stored on your device’s web browser when visiting websites. When you visit our site, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology.

In order to properly work, every modern website uses cookies.

Cookies help us understand how you use our services so that we can constantly improve them.


What types of cookies do we use?

We only use the so-called performance cookies for Google Analytics purposes, i.e. for understanding how you use our site.
We don’t use cookies that collect information about you to be used for marketing or advertising.

The cookies we use only measure how often you visit our site and how you use it. For example, we collect information about which of our pages are most frequently visited, and by which types of users. The Google Analytics cookies help us track the number of users visiting our web pages and the time spent by each visitor on them, and to identify the sequence in which visitors visit the different pages on our website.

Then, we will use such data to make assessments and improve our website and services for a better experience.

This policy is valid as of 12.05.2023


How to manage cookies?

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish.

You can delete all cookies installed on your computer, as well as set up most browsers to prevent them from being placed on your computer.

In the event that you do so, you may need to make changes in the settings of certain preferences each time you visit websites, and some of the services and functions of the websites may not work.


How to delete all cookies from a browser?


Changes to our cookie policy

NoviCogi Technologies reserves the right to change this Cookie Policy and therefore we recommend that you periodically review its content. Any future amendments to our Cookie Policy will be posted on this page from which time amendments shall be deemed effective, unless otherwise stated.